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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Assalammualaikum, to all my blog readers,
                   Aku ada khabar baik. Mr. Bean, dengan senang hatinya sikit pun tak mengungkit about the sports day. Nah, this what I like. Aku anggap dia macam bestsfriend aku, cuma taklah sehebat kawan2 baik aku yang lain. They're everything for me, after ALLAH, RASULULLAH, MY PARENTS..Bak kata Abang Faizi, 'Hidup ni tak lengkap tanpa seorang yang digelar sahabat' Sekarang ni aku bukan sorang, tapi 4 orang kawan aku ada. Yowww, diorang memang best dan otak diorang pun sama gila dengan otak aku. Itulah yang dinamakan kawan.

                the one who always right in mathematics. my class-mate. sit beside me. and the mostimportant...   my gossip-mate!!!!

               she's the most kind and georgous girl in our group! the one who are really full taking care and never say 'carefree!!!' as her life principe.

              the one who like to take my photograph and put it in her handphone! she likes to share her private stories and she likes to say 'no secrets between friends' yeah baby, no secrets...

             the one who are really confident and brave. I've thought that she may be our protector because of her braveness......

         Okey, korang. speaking time end now. Sekarang ni nak cakap bahasa tanah air pulak. Sampai sini dulu, kalau ada something or many things to share, I'll write in my blog, kay?
                                            salam sayang,

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